Digital Pianos

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Digital Pianos

Digital Pianos are designed to closely emulate acoustic pianos, and stylistically suited to use at home. A Digital Home Piano is perfect for practice, hobbyists and even home recording.

Whether you like Beethoven or Dave Brubeck, a digital piano can cover a wide array of sounds to suit your style. They also incorporate some keyboard features like MIDI, effects, touch response and splitting to make your life easier. If you’re looking for something to take on the road, check out our amazing selection of Digital Home pianos!

Almost all digital home pianos have some kind of “weighted” or “hammer action” keys. This means the instrument is designed to ‘feel’ like an acoustic piano. Digital pianos are designed to feel like a real acoustic. If you're after a white piano specifically then click here.

Korg, RolandYamaha and Casio offer some fantastic options from the more affordable to the top of the range. Even the concert pianists can’t stick their noses up at these fantastic instruments.